----- Usage ----- ApiDoc ====== The ApiDoc module, ``nosejob.apidoc``, is a direct competitor to that provided by Sphinx, ``sphinx.apidoc``. One also uses it from the command line to generate a set of |RsT| files for ones API. The structure Nose Job provides matches ones source code more closely then that generated by sphinx. Furthermore it does not group the sub-packages and modules together like Sphinx's version does but rather lets the document hierarchy imply the structure. One should refer to the command line documentation for information on how to use the script. This is available, once nosejob is installed, as follows : :: python -m nosejob.apidoc --help For a typical package with sphinx documentation the following usage is r :: python -m nosejob.apidoc --help Naming ------ Autodoc generates rather verbose member names as it prefixes the complete module path. One may remove the prefix with by setting the following option in ones configuration file, :file:`.../source/conf.py` : :: # -- Options for API output ----------------------------------------------- # Elect whether or not to include add_module_names = False Epilog ====== This combines the provided string string with a list of files into a single epilog for ones projects. Additionally |Project| provides a epilog of standard terms that may be accessed through the function accordingly. To use this import the menthod from |Project| :: from nosejob import epilog Then invoke the method as follows within ones |config| file. :: epilogs = ["epilog.rst"] # List of epilog files to include exclude_patterns += epilogs # List of epilog files to exclude rst_epilog = epilog(""".. Project specific epilog""", epilogs) Database ======== This provides two directive for the documentation of tables and fields used within ones database schema. .. db:table:: TABLE .. db:field:: FIELD Trees ===== Here is an example of the paths directive .. paths:: Project Structure :root: ..\nosejob folder/ file.ext file.ext .. tree:: folder/ file.ext file.ext